Taster’s Club is a craft spirits subscription business that curates unique, hard-to-find bottles from around the world and delivers them to customers’ doors.

Taster's Club
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Founded By
Mack McConnell
Founded in
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Year Founded
& Year Sold
Team Size at
Time of Sale
Number of
Customers at Sale

What we love about Taster's Club

While it’s not pure SaaS like the vast majority of our other acquisitions, we still loved the subscription pricing model of Taster’s Club and the niche it had carved out with spirits lovers all over the U.S. Excellent press and SEO were also a big part of the appeal in addition to great growth stats and customer reviews.

About the Founder

About the Founders

Taster’s Club Founder, Mack McConnell had gotten obsessed with trying and learning all about new spirits when he was living in San Francisco, and he had a standing get together with a couple of friends. They would all buy whiskey and learn about what made it special, and then bring the bottle and drink it together.

He thought if he could just package this experience and give it to people, he might be able to get people as excited about it as he was, and it was clear to him the industry needed an update.

Read the interview
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As an entrepreneur you want to be challenging yourself to rethink what you’re working on to find higher value, but in the early days of a business — particularly one that’s bootstrapped — it’s hard to think through that filter because you need to be all hands on deck.

Mack McConnell
Founder of
Taster's Club

Thinking about selling your SaaS?

Whether you’re ready to sell your SaaS today, or you’re just thinking about a sale and have some questions, give us a shout. We’d love to chat, answer your questions, and see if we’re a good fit.

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